- Nine Worlds
August 12rd-14th, London, UK
- Mancunicon (Eastercon 2016)
March 25-28, Manchester, UK - FantasyCon 2015
October 23rd-25th, Nottingham, UK - GollanczFest 2015
October 16th-17th, London, UK - Nine Worlds 2015
August 7th-9th, London, UK - Fantasy in the Court
August 6th, Goldsboro Books, London, UK - Roboteer Launch!
July 22nd, Forbidden Planet, London, UK, 6:00pm - Super Relaxed Fantasy Club
July 28th, The Grange Hotel, Holborn, London, 6:30pm - Dysprosium (Eastercon 2015)
April 3-6, London, UK - World Fantasy Convention 2014
November 6-9 2014, Washington DC